Healing Isn't Fixing—It's Coming Home to Yourself

Oct 07, 2024

We often think healing means fixing something that’s broken—whether it’s our body, mind, or emotions. But healing is less about fixing and more about returning to what’s natural and true for us. It’s a process of untangling the conditioning that life, experiences, and society have written on us, layer by layer.

The Spiritual Untangling

Think of it like this: as we go through life, we all develop a set of experiences that shape who we are. No two people experience the world in exactly the same way, even identical twins. Each person’s path is unique, shaped by their joys and traumas, their environment, and even their upbringing. It’s like we’re all born as blank slates, but the world starts writing on us the moment we take our first breath.

At the heart of healing is the process of untangling that script—undoing the knots of conditioning that have tied us down over the years. That’s the work. It’s about shedding those layers, so we can get back to what we’re supposed to be, the true essence of ourselves.

Balancing Light and Shadow

As humans, we are blessed—and cursed—with consciousness. While animals live in survival mode, driven by instinct, humans are unique in that we have a higher level of thinking and self-awareness. But that doesn’t mean we’re immune to our own animalistic drives. We all have a shadow side—our ego, our fears, our survival instincts.

The goal isn’t to get rid of the shadow. In fact, we need it. Just like we can’t have light without darkness, we can’t find balance in life without acknowledging our shadow side. Healing is about integrating both—light and shadow, good and bad—so that we can find balance.

Detaching From What Holds Us Back

So much of the healing journey is about detachment—not from life, but from the things that hold us back. Whether it’s trauma, fear, societal expectations, or even the drive for perfection, these are the things that keep us stuck in our shadows. Healing invites us to recognize those things, honor their existence, and then release them. It’s about becoming unattached to the outcome and focusing instead on the process.

But here’s the thing: detachment doesn’t mean isolation. We need community. We need connection. Healing is often a lonely process, but it shouldn’t be. That’s where the power of community comes in—having others to walk the path with you, to lift you up when you’re struggling, and to celebrate your victories.

The Connection to Diverticulitis

With my Diverticulitis Rescue Yourself program, I’ve come to realize that it’s not just about fixing a gut issue. Yes, I help people with their diet and their flare-ups, but the true healing happens when we go deeper. The body is the first step—getting it into working order with the right diet, exercise, and care. But then there’s a bigger, inner work that has to be done.

It’s about uncovering the layers of conditioning and figuring out how you got here in the first place. What traumas, habits, and shadows have contributed to your illness? Once you start peeling back those layers, you begin to return to a balanced state where your body can function the way it was always supposed to.

Healing Through Community

That’s where my membership program comes in. It’s not just a place to talk about diverticulitis; it’s a space where we can do the real work. We come together, not just as people with a condition, but as people who are on a healing journey—working on ourselves, supporting each other, and growing together.

This community isn’t about a quick fix. It’s about sustainable healing—mind, body, and soul. We dig deep, we ask the hard questions, and we uncover what’s really holding us back. I’m still doing this work for myself, and I’ll never stop. And that’s what I offer to others: a space where we can work on all parts of our being, finding balance along the way.

Join the Journey

If this resonates with you, I invite you to be part of this healing journey. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. My Diverticulitis Rescue Yourself program is for those who are ready to do the work—who want to heal from the inside out and live a healthy, balanced life. The body is just the beginning. Together, we can return to what’s real and true for us. 

Click here to kickstart Your Healing Journey: Start with the Diverticulitis Rescue Yourself 101 Workshop—an info-packed 90 minute-session on the 4 Stages of Eating for Diverticulitis, symptoms, natural supplements, and more. Get the Rescue Yourself Kit as a bonus!

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